Training the next generation of toxicologists is an investment in our future. Well-trained toxicologists in academia, government, and industry are critical for the safety of consumer products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. The Joint Graduate Program in Toxicology greatly appreciates the involvement of partners and the financial support of donors.

If you are interested in donating your time and expertise to participate in the training of the next generation of toxicologists, please email Dr. Lauren Aleksunes. Program partners often serve on dissertation committees, teach lectures, host interns, or speak at Lunch & Learn sessions.

Financial support also provides graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with funds to present their research at national meetings as well as attend training workshops in emerging research areas. If you are interested in financially supporting research and training in the Joint Graduate Program in Toxicology, please donate to the Pharmacology and Toxicology Research and Training Fund.