JGPT Students and Postdocs
Maxine Abustan
MS Student
Advisor: Dr. Lauren AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: maxine.abustan@gmail.com
Samantha Adams
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Phoebe StapletonPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: sla93@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Brianna Ames
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Lauren AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: ba402@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Shabree Anthony
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Zorimar Rivera-NunezPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: sa1558@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Veronia Basaly
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Grace GuoPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: vb384@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Daniela Bermeo Grajales
PhD Student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: db1328@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Anisha Bhattcharya
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Email: ab2013@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Michelle Bilotti
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Morgan JamesPsychiatry
Email: mmb320@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Caylee Brown
PhD Student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: cb1314@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Samantha Brown
MS Student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: srb325@gsbs.rutgers.edu
Michael Campbell
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Lauren AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: mjc534@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Gina Capece
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Lauren PoolePharmacology
Email: gc679@rutgers.edu
Chelsea Cary
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Drs. Stapleton and AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: cary2015@gmail.com
Milton Chandra Das
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Phil DemokritouEnvironmental and Population Health Biosciences
Email: md1827@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Li Chen
Postdoc Associate
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: lc1182@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Sam Cheron
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: slc302@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Juliana Choza
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Alison BernsteinPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: jc2997@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Benjamin Gelfand
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Email: byg8@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Disha Gupta
PhD Student
Dr. Andrew GowPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: disha.gupta@rutgers.edu
Gabriella Handford
PhD Student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: gnh24@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Tiancheng Hu
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Andrew GowPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: th689@gsbs.rutgers.edu
Chenghiu Jiang
PharmD/PhD student
Advisor: Dr. Lauren AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: cj338@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Alyssa Juenke
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Emily BarrettPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: alyssa.juenke@rutgers.edu
Davood Kharaghani
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Phil DemokritouEnvironmental and Population Health Biosciences
Email: dk1230@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Justin Kidd
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisors: Drs. Demokritou & StapletonPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: justin.kidd@rutgers.edu
Christine Kim
PharmD/PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Lauren AleksunesPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: chk50@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Melissa Kudlak
PharmD/PhD Student
Email: mjk397@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Alejandro Layana
MS student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: asl148@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Jordan Lee
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Steven AnInstitute for Translational Medicine and Science
Email: jml540@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Ziping Liu
MS Student
Advisor: Dr. Andrew GowPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: zl140@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Denisa Lizonova
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Phil DemokritouEnvironmental and Population Health Biosciences
Email: denisa.lizonova@gmail.com
No Photo Available
Zachery R. Lonergan
Assistant Professor
Candace Longoria
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Debra LaskinPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: candace.longoria@rutgers.edu
Taina Moore
PhD student
Advisor: Dr. Phoebe StapletonPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: taina.moore18@gmail.com
Kevin Moran
Postdoc Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Troy RoepkeAnimal Sciences
Email: km1870@rutgers.edu
Gina Moreno
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Phoebe StapletonPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: gmm145@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Konstantinos Moularas
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Phil DemokritouEnvironmental and Population Health Biosciences
Email: km1700@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Stacia Nicholson
Rutgers Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Debra LaskinPharmacology and Toxicology
Email: sn1003@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Katherine Otersen
PhD student
Advisor: Dr. Luigi BrunettiPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: ko314@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Kevin Ozkuyumcu
PharmD/PhD Student
Advisor Drs. J. Laskin and L. JosephPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: ko250@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Hooman Parhizkar
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Jose LaurentEnvironmental and Population Health Biosciences
Email: hooman.p@rutgers.edu
Oindrila Paul
PhD Student
First year rotationPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: op168@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Jessica Rodriguez
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. D. LaskinPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: jr1617@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Catherine Rojas
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Troy RoepkeAnimal Sciences
Email: crojas2898@gmail.com
Perel Rose
PharmD/PhD student
Advisor: Dr. Alison BernsteinPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: perel.rose@rutgers.edu
Talia Seymore
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. P. StapletonPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: ts926@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Thant Soe
Postdoc Fellow
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology and Toxicology
Email: ms4113@eohsi.rutgers.edu
Yunman Sonia Song
PharmD/PhD Student
Email: yunman.song@rutgers.edu
Rachel Sun
PharmD/PhD Student
Email: rs1893@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Daniel Szatkowski
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Rashade Haynes IIDrug Development
Email: dszatkow@rutgers.edu
Jennae Whitted
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Zorimar Rivera-NunezPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: jcw218@gsbs.rutgers.edu
Cassandra Winz
PhD Student
Advisor: Dr. Nanjoo SuhChemical Biology
Email: cmw248@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Tingying Xie
PharmD/Phd Student
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Email: tx50@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Tingjie Zhan
Post-Doctoral Associate
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology & Toxicology
Delong Zhang
MS Student
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: dz293@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Jiyang Zhang
Post-Doctoral Associate
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology and Toxicology
Wenlong Zhao
Post-Doctoral Associate
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology & Toxicology
Email: wz326@pharmacy.rutgers.edu