JGPT Recent Alumni
Yunqi An
Toxicologist, Victoria Secret
Graduated May 2023Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Laskin
Kate Annunziato
Scientific Leader, Nonclinical Toxicology at ViiV Healthcare
Graduated 2018Advisor: Dr. Keith Cooper
Laura Armstrong
Toxicologist Bristol-Myers Squibb
Postdoc ended 2019Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Jennifer Barrett
Associate Director of Toxicology, Product Development at Entrada Therapeutics
Graduated 2015Advisor: Dr. Helmut Zarbl
Alyssa Bellomo
Toxicologist at Colgate-Palmolive
Graduated: October 2024Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Jamie Bernard
Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
Postdoc ended 2014Advisor: Dr. Alan Conney
Kristin Bircsak
Senior Scientist at AstraZeneca
Graduated 2015Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Josephine Bonventre
Research Scientist at NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Keith Cooper
Danielle Botelho
Director at Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc. (RIFM)
Graduated 2015Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Jeffrey Burns
Associate Scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Tracy Anthony
Danielle Caruso
Senior Associate Scientist at Bristol-Myers Squibb
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Cheryl Dreyfus
Elena Chung
Doctoral Candidate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Computational Toxicology
Graduated 2020Advisor: Dr. Rey Panettieri
Agnes Connor
PhD Biochemist 2 , Siemens Healthcare
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Kimberly Cruz
Associate Veterinarian, Toxicologist
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Tamara Barkay
Jeanine D’Errico
Nonclinical, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicologist at Novartis
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Phoebe Stapleton
Ana Cristina Dragomir
Postdoctoral Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Brian Estrella
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Graduated 2018Advisor: Dr. Helmut Zarbl
Marie Fortin
Therapeutic Area Lead – Immunology at Merck
Advisors: Drs. Jason Richardson & Nancy Fiedler
Melody Furnari-Aldred
Clinical Study Manager, Novartis
Graduated 2013Advisor: Dr. George Wagner
Christopher Gibson
Pathologist, Total Pathology Solutions, LLC
Graduated 2015Advisors: Drs. Lauren Aleksunes and Jason Richardson
Thea Golden
Research Assistant Professor at The University of Pennsylvania
Graduated 2016Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Ludwik Gorczyca
Manager, Product Safety & Toxicology at L’Oreal
Postdoc ended 2020Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Ashley Green
Product Safety Manager at Amway
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Jason Richardson
Angie Groves
Research Assistant Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center
Graduated 2013Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Craig Harvey
Toxicologist and regulatory Professional at Mondelez International
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Mehmet Uzumcu
Zakiyah Henry
Postdoctoral fellow at NEIHS
Graduated: October 2024Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Julia Herbert
Research Assistant Professor
Postdoc ended 2023Advisors: Drs. Debra Laskin & Andrew Gow
Michelle Jobes
Clinical Research Specialist at National Institutes of Health
Graduated 2008Advisor: George C. Wagner
Brittany Karas
Sr. Scientist Toxicology at Johnson & Johnson
Graduated 2020Advisors: Drs. Brian Buckley and Keith Cooper
Jamie Karmel
Senior Principal Scientist, Amgen
Graduated 2016Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Jacklyn Skye Kelty
Chemical Hygiene Officer, San Jose State University
Post-Doc ended 2022Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Amy Kohtz
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Post-Doc ended 2022Advisor: Dr. Gary Aston-Jones
Danielle Kozlosky
Patent Scientist, Servilla Whitney
Graduated 2023Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Jeremy Lessing
MD Candidate
Graduated PhD October 2024Advisor: Dr. MG. Dominguez-Bello
Frederic Lu
Physician, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Postdoc ended 2023Advisor: Dr. Howard Kipen
Jason Magby
Director of Technology at Colgate-Palmolive
2013Advisor: Dr. Jason Richardson
Mili Mandal
Director, Biomarker Sciences, IDEAYA Biosciences
Postdoc ended 2015Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Stephanie Marco
Forensic Toxicologist at NMS Labs
Graduated 2019Advisor: Dr. Brian Buckley
Christopher Massa
Pediatric anesthesiologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Vik Meadows
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Postdoc ended 2022Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Cassandra Meakin
Senior Toxicologist at Gradient
Postdoc ended 2022Adivsors: Drs. Lauren Aleksunes and Emily Barrett
Jaclynn Meshanni
Postdoctoral Fellow, UPenn
Graduated 2023Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Ayeshia Morris
Study Director at Product Safety Labs
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Ron Hart
Alexa Murray
Scientist in Discover Toxicology, Bristol Myers Squibb
Graduated 2021Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Oluchukusu Nnodi
Chief Medical Officer, Alliance MTM
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Reuhl
Nataliya Parobchak
Pawat Pattarawat
Post-Doctoral Associate
Advisor: Dr. Shuo XiaoPharmacology and Toxicology
Ashley Pettit
Teaching Faculty Member, Seton Hall University
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Howard Kipen
Talia Planas
Occupational Toxicologist at Teva Pharmaceuticals
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Cheryl Dreyfus
Nicole Renkel
Scientific Operations Lab Manager at PTC Therapeutics, Inc.
Graduated 2018Advisor: Dr. Brian Buckley
Rachel Ritzau
Scientist at Cyprotex
Graduated 2017Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Daniel Rizzolo
Study Director, Explora BioLabs/Charles River
Graduated 2021Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Kyle Saitta
Senior scientist II, R&I Product safety at L’Oreal
Graduated 2020Advisor: Dr. Chery Dreyfus
Jennifer Schaefer
Scientist, Product Safety and Toxicology, Estee Lauder Companies
Graduated: January 2024Advisor: Drs. Andy Babwah and Sally Radovick
Justin Schumacher
Senior Principal Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Graduated 2018Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Raj Shah
Senior Toxicologist, Colgate-Palmolive
Graduated 2020Advisor: Dr. Suzie Chen
Michal Sheleg
VP Clinical development at Pluri-biotech
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Renping Zhou
Ley Cody Smith
Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy at UConn
Postdoc ended 2022Advisor: Drs. Andrew Gow and Debra Laskin
Amanda Smolarek-Wasniewski
Manager Global Regulatory Affairs, Albaugh
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Nanjoo Suh
Emily Stevenson
Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Pittsburg
Graduated 2023Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Mary Stofan
MS Student
Advisor: Dr. Grace GuoPharmacology & Toxicology
Chistopher Stradford
MS Student
Advisor: Dr. Brian BuckleyEnvironmental & Occupational Health Sciences Institute
John Szilagyi
Research Scientist, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Graduated 2018Advisors: Drs. Jeff Laskin & Lauren Aleksunes
Rulaiha Taylor
Toxicologist, Global Product Safety at Colgate-Palmolive
Graduated: May 2024Advisor: Dr. Grace Guo
Sheryse Taylor
Toxicologist at FDA
Graduated 2019Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Angela Tiethof
Published Scientific Researcher
Graduated 2016Advisors: Drs. Ronald Hart & Jason Richardson
Ronald Udasin
Director of Scientific Program & Senior Scientist at TeraCyte Analytics
Graduated 2015Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Laskin
Gwyndolin Vail
Postdoctoral Fellow at Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences
Graduated 2020Advisor: Dr. Troy Roepke
Alessandro Venosa
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Graduated 2015Advisor: Dr. Debra Laskin
Alexis Ventoso
Med Lab Supervisor, Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare
Graduated 2023Advisor: Dr. John McGann
Richard Von Stein
Assistant Vice President of Product Safety at L’Oreal
Postdoc ended 2012Advisor: Dr. Jason Richardson
Gabriella Wahler
Study Director, Product Safety Labs
Graduated in 2020Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Laskin
Lauren Walker
Scientist II, Nonclinical Safety at Pliant Therapeutics
Postdoc ended 2023Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Brian Wall
Senior Principal Scientist, Colgate Palmolive
Graduated 2012Advisor: Dr. Suzie Chen
Sabrina Walley
Scientist at Revance
Graduated 2019Advisor: Dr. Troy Roepke
Blair Weig
Research Assistant at Rutgers University/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Graduated 2016Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Reuhl
Kimberly Wiersielis
Assistant Professor at Penn State University
Postdoc ended 2024Advisor: Dr.Troy Roepke
Melissa Wilkinson
Microbiologist, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Postdoc ended 2022Advisor: Dr. Andrew Gow
Angela Baker Wimberly
Toxicologist, NASA Johnson Space CenterAdvisor: Dr. Jason Richardson
Irene Wohlman
Toxicologist at FMC Corporation
Graduated 2016Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Laskin
Joanna Woo
Research Scientist at Colgate-Palmolive
Advisor: Dr. Rey PanettieriInsitute of Translational Medicine and Science
Shengjie Xu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Merck
Graduated 2022Advisor: Dr. Rey Panetteri
Zhenning Yang
PhD Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Helmut ZarblEnvironental & Occupational Health and Sciences
Gabriel Yarmush
Regulatory Specialist at Bristol Myers Squibb
Advisors: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes and Guillaume Normand
Dahea Diana You
Assistant Director at Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Graduated 2018Advisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
Ranran Zhang
Nursing Student
Scientist at Catalent Pharma SolutionsAdvisor: Dr. Lauren Aleksunes
No Photo Available
Ruijin Zheng
Research Asst Professor, Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Graduated 2014Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Laskin