JGPT PhD student, Chelsea Cary, received the enviable Aaron Shatkin Award for excellence in graduate academic and research achievements. Chelsea is a 5th year predoc trainee, performing research in the laboratory of Dr. Phoebe Stapleton. She is also the recent recipient of an NIH F31 individual training grant focusing on uteroplacental vasculature and fetal growth […]
Regional Conference Showcases Rutgers Toxicology Research
On November 2, 2023, JGPT faculty, students, and postdocs attended the MidAtlantic Society of Toxicology Conference at Middlesex Community College in Edison, NJ. The conference highlighted the latest research in the use of artificial intelligence in toxicology. Over 20 posters showcased the research of Rutgers trainees. Awards were conferred to top presentations. Congratulations RATS!
JGPT Trainee Michael Campbell Receives Competitive NJ ACTS TL1 Fellowship
The TL1 award is offered annually to 5-6 fellows competitively selected from Rutgers, Princeton and New Jersey Institute of Technology. The goal of the fellowship is to enhance career development beyond that encountered in traditional pre- and postdoctoral programs by focusing on the knowledge and expertise needed to conduct translational team research across disciplines. JGPT […]
Toxicology Alumnus Returns to Rutgers To Share His Journey
Dr. Alan Stokes is the Senior Director of Toxicology at Glaxo Smith Kline. Earlier in his training, Dr. Stokes completed his postdoctoral training in the JGPT. In October 2024, he returned to the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute where he shared his journey with current toxicology students and postdocs. During this Lunch and Learn, […]
Giving back with the Grovers
Four predoctoral Grover Scholars from the JGPT joined Dr. and Mrs. Gary Grover to attend a local veterans gala at the Palace. During this celebration, the trainees were able to see a simulation of the flag raising at Mt. Surabachi, Iwo Jima, during WWII. We are grateful for the continued support from the Grovers.
Jake Lessing Speaks at Rutgers Solar Festival to Commemorate the Completion of the First Step in Rutgers’ Climate Action Plan
JGPT MD/PhD student Jake Lessing spoke at the Solar Festival commemorating the completion of solar panel canopies across all campuses, the first step in Rutgers’ new Climate Action Plan. As a founding member of the Climate Task Force Student Advisory Panel, Jake highlighted the importance of students, faculty, staff, and administration cooperating towards a common […]
Toxicology Trainees Share Latest Research at the Annual Endocrinology Workshop
On October 3, toxicology predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees presented research posters at the 15th Annual Pioneers in Endocrinology Workshop. This year’s theme was early-life stress and the endocrine system. The keynote speakers were Dr. Michael Meaney (McGill University) and Dr. Tallie Baram (University of California, Irvine). More about the session is available online: https://endocrine.rutgers.edu/pioneers/
The RATS are Named Graduate Student Organization of the Year for 2023 by the Graduate Student Association; 2022-2023 RATS President, Zakiyah Henry, Receives 2023 Excellence in Graduate Leadership Award
The RATS were awarded GSO of the Year for excelling at creating an inclusive community that supports its graduate students. As president of the organization for the 2022 – 2023 year, Zakiyah Henry has also been awarded the Excellence in Graduate Leadership Award for her role in guiding the RATS to this achievement. Congratulations!
Joanna Woo Accepted as Member of the Frontiers in Stem Cells & Regeneration Advanced Research Training Course
[metaslider id=”4409″] Joanna Woo, a graduate student in the JGPT, was accepted as a cohort member for the Frontiers in Stem Cells & Regeneration (SCARE) advanced research training course offered by the Marine Biological Laboratory. The purpose of SCARE is to provide a complete overview of stem cell biology and mechanisms of regeneration through exploring […]
Learning About Careers in Contract Research Organizations From an Expert
The Joint Graduate Program in Toxicology hosted Dr. Stéphane Milano from Product Safety Labs where he serves as a Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Milano has over 25 years in both industry and contract research organizations. During his Lunch & Learn, Dr. Milano de-mystified the ins and outs of working in this toxicology sector. Students and […]